J Stedman And Associates, Inc.
Office: 770-962-4400
Fax: 770-962-4502
Email Us: steddy@jstedmanandassociates.com
Se Habla Espanol

That's a pretty bold statement. However, here at J
Stedman & Associates, we can back it up. If I may, I would like to take
a second and explain how I got into the REO side of the real estate
business. It may help you to understand a little better the personal and
professional dedication that I have to the work. I was involved in an
auto accident in the late 80's and could not work. I fell behind on my
mortgage and came close to foreclosure. Once I was able to catch up
payments, I asked "Who sells the homes when there is a problem and they
are not able to catch up?" At that time, I also asked to be placed on
that mortgage companies approved list and have worked that side of the
business almost exclusively since 1990. As a result of that experience,
I bring more to the table than most brokers. I have found that Cash for
keys and gaining possession of property goes much smoother, quicker and
in most cases, in better condition because I am able to build rapport
with occupants.
Our goal here at J Stedman & Associates is to make your
life, as the asset manager, less stressful and easier with timely
reports and accurate valuations. The following are my promises to you
when a property has been assigned to my office.
- Occupancy within 24 hours and many times on the same day.
- If property is occupied, regular weekly occupancy checks until eviction or Cash for Keys is complete.
- Mediate all correspondence needed during the eviction process including but not limited to scheduling lockout dates, attending evictions, and hiring eviction crews.
- If vacant, rekey within 24 hours of approval to move forward with vacancy.
- Activate and manage utility accounts and expenses.
- Arrange or oversee trash out and other initial/ongoing services, per client policy.
- Timely reports and accurate evaluations.
- Time and date stamped pictures.
- Market all properties on BOTH local listing services, company website, various other real estate related sites and platforms including Equator and Resnet.
- Present all offers immediately upon receipt.
- Weekly update, or more often as needed, on every property under contract until closed and funded.