J Stedman And Associates, Inc.
Office: 770-962-4400
Fax: 770-962-4502
Email Us: steddy@jstedmanandassociates.com
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Owner/Broker of J Stedman & Associates. Steddy is a seasoned veteran in the metro Atlanta real estate market licensed since 1988. Member of CDPE, Equator, ResNet, NAMAR and more.
Theresa GrishamCo-owner and office manager at J Stedman & Associates.
Tina GrishamTina is a licensed real estate agent but also assists Steddy with his contracts, offers, and management of repairs and overall property maintenance.
Sandy BeckerSandy is a licensed real estate agent and is currently working on her CDPE certification. She also assists handling short sales, accounting, and overall asset management.
Tonya GrishamTonya is a licensed real estate agent. Tonya specializes as our buyer's agent and also works as our open house coordinator and field agent.
Sharon HicksSharon is a valued member of our team handling everything from the phones, listing maintenance, and is also our closing processor.
Gabino SantosGabino is our field representative and quality control inspector who works diligently to ensure that all of our listings are being presented in the best possible marketing condition.