J Stedman And Associates, Inc.
Office: 770-962-4400
Fax: 770-962-4502
Email Us: steddy@jstedmanandassociates.com
Se Habla Espanol

We understand that you may be facing difficult times
right now as so many people are. Are you worried about how to make your
next mortgage payment? It very often is the result of something out of
your control, such as the economy, pay cuts, layoffs, divorce or medical
problems. If this sounds familiar or your lender has contacted you about
foreclosure, we understand how you feel and we can help! I have walked
the same path. As a matter of fact, the near foreclosure of my own home
in the late 80s is exactly what brought me into this side of the real
estate market. There are many options available to you so please let us
do the work to help you take the best approach for your unique
situation. Often times, financial relocation assistance is available and
we will work hard to help you take advantage of ALL of your options.
A short sale occurs when a home sells, with the permission of the bank,
for less than is owed on the mortgage. Generally, in a short sale, the
lender gives up any and all rights to pursue claims against the
homeowner for the unpaid portion of the loan. Contact J Stedman &
Associates so we can help you step by step through the process and let
us carry the load for you.
Call us today at 770-962-4400 No Obligations!!!